Wednesday 21 November 2012

Student Feedback Sheet

Feedback Sheet – Student Work
Please refer to photography, colour, layout, font style, framing and cropping as well as font style and actual text in your response.
Please remember to be constructive in your criticism as this is work by students – not professional s
Name of product
What I thought were the strengths
What I thought were the weaknesses
Region N.E

Pretty much all of the images through the whole magazine were copyrighted, the original images were edited very badly, the double page spread was badly constructed and there are many spelling and grammatical mistakes throughout the articles.


The contents page looks very professional, the pictures are original and are fairly good quality.
The double page spread looks fairly professional and the pictures are well edited.
The front page is very unprofessional, the main image is blurry and I can’t see any main sell-line.
The background on the double page spread kind of makes the writing hard to read.


The Front Page is constructed pretty well and the main image is good.
I like the logo as it shows that it’s a music magazine.

The title text on the double page spread looks quite simple and not in key with the rest of the magazines fonts.


The front cover is quite good, the, the main image is good and well edited.
The double page spread is quite good and well set out.
The white background on the front page makes it look very plain, on the contents page some of the pictures are copyrighted. On the double page spread the white background makes it look very plain and the image is very badly edited.


The Front Cover looks very professional, the main image fits in well with the colours and the font of the text and you can clearly tell that it’s a music magazine.
The contents page looks quite professional and is well set out.
The double page spread looks very professional; the image is very professional and fits in with the rest of the page.
The only bad things I can pick out of the magazine is the copyrighted images on the contents page and the double page spread background is a different colour than the contents page and the front page.

What I have learned from looking at student work:

I have learned that to make a good music magazine, it has to be well set out, it has to actually look like a music magazine, the pictures have to look good on the page and have to be well edited otherwise it doesn’t look very professional.

How I will use this new knowledge to help me create my own product:

I know now that for my magazine to look good I’m going to have to make it look like a magazine, I’m going to have to plan it out well before I make the magazine and my pictures are going to have to look professional and fit in with the magazine.

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