Wednesday 5 December 2012

Detailed Proposal Table for Main Magazine

Detailed Proposal Table

Describe your idea for the brief: My magazine is going to be a Rock magazine called Toxic Sound. It is going to be based on magazines like Kerrang! and Metal Hammer. For my front cover I’m going to have a picture of Rou Reynolds from Enter Shikari which I’m going to take when I go to see then live and the main sell-line will be Enter Shikari and the sub heading will be A Flash Flood of Shikari which will be placed in the middle of the main image. The Mast Head is going to be at the top of the front cover and above that will be a couple of small sell lines.. Also I will have some pictures of posters that will be inside for the RIP poster special on the left hand side of the page.
 On my contents page I will have the pages and what is on the pages and the title at the top of the page, also I will have images of bands placed around the text.
 On the first page of the double page spread I will have the article title A Flash Flood Of Shikari, I will have the article in the centre of the page and will have some images of Enter Shikari around the article. On the second page I will have upcoming tours of different bands.

Genre/ sub genre: My magazines genre will be Rock music (Mainly Metal post-hardcore, metalcore, and punk rock). Some texts, which have inspired me to choose this genre, are Kerrang! and Metal Hammer.

Target audience: The target audience for my magazine will be for males and females, over the age of 12 and people who like magazines like Kerrang! and Metal Hemmer and people who like the genres of music.

Major conventions I will use: On my front cover I will have some sell lines at the top of the page, under that will be the Mast Head, under that will be the main image which will be of Rou Reynolds and will take up around 3 quarters of the page. In the middle of the main image I will have the main sell line which will be Enter Shikari and above that will be the sub heading which will be A Flash Flood of Shikari. On the left hand side I will have a sell line, which will be the RIP poster special. Right at the bottom of the page I will have a small sell line, which will be upcoming tours, and in the bottom right corner I will have the barcode and essential info.
On the contents page I will have the title The Contents at the top of the page, I will have the page numbers and what is going to be on those pages in the centre of the page and will have images around the contents.
On the Double page spread I will have a small title Toxic Sound News in the top left corner of the page, on the first page of the double page spread I will have the Article title A Flash Flood of Shikari and under that I will have a strap-line which will be Taking the World like an alien invasion. I will then have the article under that which will be on the right hand side of the page and will have several images around it. I will also have a dominant image at the left side of the article. On the second page I will have some upcoming tours of different bands, which I will make myself.

Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use: The only conventions I’ve decided not to use is a caption and a pull quote as I don’t think they are as necessary as the rest of the main conventions.

Original images: For my front cover I’m hoping to get a picture of Rou Reynolds from Enter Shikari when I go to see them live. For the images inside the magazine on the contents page and the double page spread I will take pictures of my friends and make my own band. Also I will use some pictures I’ve taken before at other concerts.

Potential difficulties/ Plan B: The only thing with could really go wrong is if I cant get a good picture for the front cover, as a plan B I will just use pictures of my fiends like I’m doing inside the magazine.

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