Wednesday 17 April 2013

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience of my media product would be, people aged 14 and over as there isn't and bad language or anything inappropriate for younger people, also people who like rock music, mainly people who like post-hardcore, metalcore and pop punk.

Metalcore Band                
Post-Hardcore Band

Pop Punk Band

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

 My Magazine
Kerrang! Magazine

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Double Page Spread Article

I know what alot of you are thinking now, who the hell are Enter Shikari? Am I right? Enter Shikari are a British post-hardcore band formed in 2003 in St Albans, Hertfordshire. They combine post-hardcore and various heavy metal sub-genres, such as metalcore and alternative metal, with elements of various electronic genres, such as electronica, dubstep, trance, industrial and occasionally drum and bass, creating a particularly unique sound.
The band is named after a boat belonging to Roughton "Rou" Reynolds' uncle, and a character in a play which he wrote before forming the band, both of which are named Shikari. Shikari also means 'Hunter' in Marathi, Persian, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Punjabi and
Bengali. But how did they  start?In 1999 a band named Hybryd formed, consisting of Rou Reynolds on guitar and vocals, Chris Batten on bass guitar, and Rob Rolfe on drums. They released an EP called Commit No Nuisance which featured the tracks "Perfect Pygmalion", "Look Inside", "Torch Song", "Honesty Box" and "Fake".
In 2003, with the addition of guitarist Liam "Rory" Clewlow, Hybryd became Enter Shikari. Rou focused his musical efforts on vocals and electronics instead. From when They started in 1999  they have ‘Taken the world like and alien invasion’ Said by Rou Reynolds when they were interviewed at downoad 2006.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Almost Finished Contents

This is the contents page for my magazine, it is almost finished, all that is needed is the pull quote from my main article which i will add when ive finished my double page spread.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Finished Main Magazine Cover

This is my main magazine font cover. It is pretty much all the same as the last post, but i have changed the masthead as i think this one stands out a lot better and I've added the main sell-line.. Also i have moved the price down to the bottom with the bar-code and have added a website address under the masthead. These are only small as they aren't very important.

Main Magazine Front Cover with Main Image and No Main Sell Line

This is my main magazine front cover. it its the same as the last post which didn't have the main image in it. i have now added the main image and have edited the main image so that it is black and white and only certain parts of it are in colour. This means it isn's to bright and fits with the colours of the the rest of the magazine cover.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Magazine Front Cover With No Main Image and Main Sell-Line

This is my Main magazine front cover without the main image and main sell-line. in this there is the masthead at the top of the page, which was in my last post, above this is some of the bands that are included in the magazine. On the left hand side of the page is a poster special to attract the reader and a sell-line for an interview. at the bottom of the page is another sell-line. above this on the right is the barcode and essential info giving the date of release and the issue number, and under the masthead is the price of the magazine. All of the colours on the page are quite dark colours like greys and black. These fit in with the conventions of a rock magazine.

Main Magazine Masthead

This is the masthead for my main magazine. It fits in with the conventions of a rock magazine, especially witht he colour black. Also it looks great on my magazine.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Conventions, producer, target audience of my text

The conventions i plan to keep regarding images are the main image on the front cover which will be of Rou Reynolds who is the singer of Enter Shikari, this will mean that people who are fans of Enter Shikari will be interested to the magazine and will want to read it to see what its about. There will be about 4 or 5 images on the contents page, which will show some of the things that will be in the magazine, this gives the reader more info and may attract them if they attracted. on the first page of the double page spread i'm gonna have a few small sub images to go with the article, one of them will be the image from the front page,  Im also going to have a couple of tour posters on the second page of the double page spread which will be for a tour of the band that the article is about.  My masthead will be a simple font, and will be dark grey with a black outline. The rest of my text will mainly be either black or grey and some reds.. I've chosen these colours as they are dark which fits in with the conventions of a typical rock magazine.
My magazine will be published by Bauer Media, mainly because it produces Kerrang magazine, which is a rock magazine, like mine. My magazine is inspired Kerrang and that is why i have chosen this publisher. Bauer Media Group is a multi national media company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, which operates in 15 countries worldwide. This means the magazine won't be just in one country. And more people will buy it
The target audience of my magazine is people who like rock music, mainly post-hardcore, metal-core, punk rock and pop punk. Also people who are aged 16 and over as it may have some bad language in it which wouldn't be suitable for younger people. It is also for people who like to go to concerts, as it will have concert dates and locations, also it may be for any people who like to play musical instruments like guitar and drums and people who like to sing. it also may interest people who like free  posters and gifts.
My magazine will be sold in places like WHSmith, and newsagents. Mainly because this is where most magazines are sold and a lot of people go into newsagents quite often so it will be seen by a lot of people. There will also be an online subscription where the magazine is delivered to people’s homes once a week when it comes out. This will mean people who don't want to go to a shop every week to buy the magazine can by it. The magazine will also be advertised in the back of Kerrang magazine which means people who read Kerrang will see it and because my magazine is based on Kerrang, it will attracted moor people.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Photoshoot Planning

For my image, i decided to take a picture of Rou Reynolds, the singer of Enter Shikari. As i was taking a picture of someone from a band, i did not need permission to take the photo as i was going to see them like.
The only props i needed to bring with me was my camera.
As i am taking it at a concert i could not change any of the colours in the image or any of the lighting.
This was a potential problem, but i managed to scrape past it.

The Recce

Because most of my pictures are taken at an enter shikari concert, there were potential health and safety risks as i could have been injured in the crowed.

There was no way this could have been avoided as this was the only way i could get the pictures.

As this photo was taken indoors, the whether and time of day did not effect the outcome of my images.

Because it as a live concert i could not change the background of the image, but the background did not effect my image very much.

I could not change the lighting at the concert, i had to wait for there to be good enough lighting for me to take the picture.

I had no problems with having permission as it was at a concert and i was allowed to take them.

As it was a concert and there was many people around me including the security standing in front of the barrier, i had to be careful not to get any people in the way of the image.

i have thought about the potential problems with the image, like the sharpness and i have a plan b just incase this happens.

Main Task Flat Plans

This is my main task contents page flat plan. The masthead is at the top of the page, it is grey with a black outline, the colour of this fits in with the institutions of a rock magazine. I have chosen the name Sound Check based on the survey I did. Above the masthead is a small strip which has a few bands which will be in the magazine. On the left of the page it tells the reader that there are free posters inside which will attract the reader to buy the magazine. under that is a sell line which will be about a new band. under the masthead is the sub-heading, which tells the reader that its about Enter Shikari, under that is the main sell-line which tells them what the article will be about. in the bottom right corner is the barcode and the essential info, and the rest of the page will be taken up by the main image, this will be a picture of Rou Reynolds who is the singer of Enter Shikari which tells the reader more about the article.

This is the flat plan for my main task, it is fairly simple and uses similar colours, in the top left corner is the name of the magazine and what the page is, this tells the reader what they will find on the page. The bottom half of the page is taken up by the contents, this tells the reader what they will find in the pages in the magazine and what pages they will find this on. This means the reader can go to the parts which they are most interested in and they wont have to look through the whole magazine to find the parts they want. Above this, taking up the top half of the page are some pictures to go with the contents, this gives the reader more info about the contents.

This is the flat plan for the double page spread of my main magazine. In the top left corner is the name of the magazine. under this is the article title which tells the reader what the article is about. under this is a strap-line, this gives the reader further information about the article. Next to this is the picture from the front cover, this indicates to the reader that this article is the one seen on the front page. Under this is the article, this will be about Enter Shikari and how they have went from being a small band that no one knows to a big band that many people know. This will make the reader want to read it if they are an enter shikari fan or even if they aren't, they may want to read about it. also in-between the article are a couple of pictures to draw in the reader. On the next page are some tour posters, for Enter Shikari's upcoming tour which will make people want to look at it to find out when and where they are playing. I will be making these myself so i'm not copying something someone else has made.

Audience research and analysis of data

I recently made a survey which i had 11 people fill in which will help me make my magazine to suit my audience. These are some of my results and how they will help me

Question: What is your age?

All of the people i asked to fill in my magazine like the type of music that its about. 9 out of 11 of these people were between the ages of 12 and 17. this shows me that the majority of the people who like this type of music are young so i am going to aim my magazine at young people.

Question: Are you more likely to buy a magazine if it includes free posters?

6 out of 10 of said that they would be more likely to buy a magazine if it included free posters, so i am going to include free posters in my magazine as it will attract people to buy it.

Question: Which of these magazines have you heard of?

everyone had heard of kerrang, so im going to make my magazine like kerrang, this will mean that people may be attracted to it more.

Question: which of these prices do you think is most reasonable?

the same amount of people said that £2.00 and £2.50 are the the most reasonable prices for a magazine, so Ive decided to make my magazine £2.00 as it is reasonable and people will be most likely to buy it.

Question: Which of these names for a magazine do you think is best?

Most people said that the name Sound Check is the best, i was going to call my magazine Toxic Sound but now that i know that people think Sound Check is better, i have decided to change my magazine name to this.

Potential Problems

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Front cover images:
One potential problem I could have with my front cover is if the image I am planning to use isn’t sharp enough and if editing it won’t make it sharper.

If this does occur I will make up my own band and take pictures of my friends.
Article Inside Magazine:
A problem I could have with my article is if I don’t have enough space for the whole article.

If this happens I will have to try to shorten it down as much as possible.
Images to accompany article:
On my double page spread I am planning to make my own tour posters to go on the second page. A problem I may have with this is if I don’t have enough time to make them.
If this does happen I will either put some pictures to relate with the article.