Tuesday 8 January 2013

Potential Problems

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Front cover images:
One potential problem I could have with my front cover is if the image I am planning to use isn’t sharp enough and if editing it won’t make it sharper.

If this does occur I will make up my own band and take pictures of my friends.
Article Inside Magazine:
A problem I could have with my article is if I don’t have enough space for the whole article.

If this happens I will have to try to shorten it down as much as possible.
Images to accompany article:
On my double page spread I am planning to make my own tour posters to go on the second page. A problem I may have with this is if I don’t have enough time to make them.
If this does happen I will either put some pictures to relate with the article.

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