Tuesday 8 January 2013

Main Task Flat Plans

This is my main task contents page flat plan. The masthead is at the top of the page, it is grey with a black outline, the colour of this fits in with the institutions of a rock magazine. I have chosen the name Sound Check based on the survey I did. Above the masthead is a small strip which has a few bands which will be in the magazine. On the left of the page it tells the reader that there are free posters inside which will attract the reader to buy the magazine. under that is a sell line which will be about a new band. under the masthead is the sub-heading, which tells the reader that its about Enter Shikari, under that is the main sell-line which tells them what the article will be about. in the bottom right corner is the barcode and the essential info, and the rest of the page will be taken up by the main image, this will be a picture of Rou Reynolds who is the singer of Enter Shikari which tells the reader more about the article.

This is the flat plan for my main task, it is fairly simple and uses similar colours, in the top left corner is the name of the magazine and what the page is, this tells the reader what they will find on the page. The bottom half of the page is taken up by the contents, this tells the reader what they will find in the pages in the magazine and what pages they will find this on. This means the reader can go to the parts which they are most interested in and they wont have to look through the whole magazine to find the parts they want. Above this, taking up the top half of the page are some pictures to go with the contents, this gives the reader more info about the contents.

This is the flat plan for the double page spread of my main magazine. In the top left corner is the name of the magazine. under this is the article title which tells the reader what the article is about. under this is a strap-line, this gives the reader further information about the article. Next to this is the picture from the front cover, this indicates to the reader that this article is the one seen on the front page. Under this is the article, this will be about Enter Shikari and how they have went from being a small band that no one knows to a big band that many people know. This will make the reader want to read it if they are an enter shikari fan or even if they aren't, they may want to read about it. also in-between the article are a couple of pictures to draw in the reader. On the next page are some tour posters, for Enter Shikari's upcoming tour which will make people want to look at it to find out when and where they are playing. I will be making these myself so i'm not copying something someone else has made.

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